Family Law

See what services we offer and how we can protect your family and your insterest!


Children and Parenting

What are my options? How do I get Consent Orders? Do I need to go to Court? How do I make sure I have a relationship with my children? How do I make sure my children are protected?

Child Recovery Orders

What is a Recovery Order? My child has been taken by the other parent, what can I do? Who is entitled to apply for an Order? My child lives with the other parent, but I have safety concerns, what are my options?

Consent Orders

What are Consent Orders? Do I need to attend Court to get Consent Orders? How are these different to Binding Financial Agreements? Let us give you the advice you need to obtain the best outcome.

Property Orders

Consent Orders or Binding Financial Agreement? Will a pre-nup stand up in Court? Can I protect my superannuation or inheritance from a claim? What am I entitled to?

Apprehended Violence Orders (‘AVO’)

An AVO is an order to protect victims of domestic violence when they are fearful of future violence or threats to their safety. They are sometimes called restraining orders or protection orders. Children can be included on these Orders.

Domestic Violence

If there is actual or alleged family violence, let us advise you on your options and the effect on your family law matter.

Binding Financial Agreements

What are Binding Financial Agreements? Do I need to attend Court to get a BFA? How are these different to Consent Orders? Let us give you the advice you need to obtain the best outcome.


When can I get a divorce? What do I need to prove? Can I obtain a property settlement without a divorce? What are the financial consequences of not getting a divorce?

Protect your assets

Property, children and/or divorce – these are difficult times for you and you family. Let us protect your children, your family, your rights and your assets.

Hague Convention Proceedings

The Hague Convention (Child Abduction) is a treaty on Private International Law that provides a quick method to return a child abducted by one parent or to determine the forum that parenting proceeding will take place.